
La Rage, Explication et Vaccination.

Chaque année au Népal, environ 32 000 personnes sont traitées pour des morsures de chiens. Environ 200 personnes, des enfants pour la plupart, meurent de la rage chaque année. Les signes de la rage peuvent apparaître des jours, des semaines, voire des mois après que le sujet a été exposé au virus. Les symptômes varient, […]

Meeting with Ramesh Rai

Ramesh Rai is a forest ranger for the community forests of Kanyadevi, in the Panchthar district. Romain and Hélène interviewed Ramesh Rai, the ranger supported by the CPPR, during the 2nd CPPR mission to Nepal in 2022: Romain: How did you start working as a ranger? I've been a park ranger since 2014. I was appointed [...].

Forest rangers training in Nepal

In Nepal, red pandas are safe in protected forest areas where they have trees to climb and familiar paths to walk. However, from time to time, a red panda finds itself in the populated areas of Nepal. It is then confronted with the danger of the roads and the [...]

International Red Panda Day 2021

On September 18, 2021 took place the 12th edition of the International Red Panda Day. This event, initiated by our partner the Red Panda Network (RPN), aims to raise awareness about the preservation of the little panda and its habitat, and to raise funds for the actions carried out in the [...]


Together for the welfare of the rescued animals Protecting the red panda is our most difficult mission. Sometimes, despite the efforts of local authorities and associations to raise awareness, animals are captured and sold to wealthy individuals who want an exotic animal. We have already reported on a record seizure [...]

International Red Panda Day 2020

On September 19, 2020, despite the health crisis that had been raging around the world for several months, the 11th International Red Panda Day was celebrated: For some, virtually, through videos, video conferences… Others were present in the field, with masks, gels and other protective measures. The main thing being […]

Events 2020

The beginning of 2020 was marked by the global coronavirus crisis and the containment of several countries. France was no exception. As far as events are concerned, we have therefore been forced to postpone some and cancel others. But as every year, the zoos that welcomed us were very happy to do so, and we are very pleased to have been able to [...]