La Rage, Explication et Vaccination.

Chaque année au Népal, environ 32 000 personnes sont traitées pour des morsures de chiens. Environ 200 personnes, des enfants pour la plupart, meurent de la rage chaque année. Les signes de la rage peuvent apparaître des jours, des semaines, voire des mois après que le sujet a été exposé au virus. Les symptômes varient, […]

Forest rangers training in Nepal

In Nepal, red pandas are safe in protected forest areas where they have trees to climb and familiar paths to walk. However, from time to time, a red panda finds itself in the populated areas of Nepal. It is then confronted with the danger of the roads and the [...]


Together for the welfare of the rescued animals Protecting the red panda is our most difficult mission. Sometimes, despite the efforts of local authorities and associations to raise awareness, animals are captured and sold to wealthy individuals who want an exotic animal. We have already reported on a record seizure [...]